IP65 NVIDIA AGX Xavier Military Computer, 18V to 36V MIL-461, Extended Temp. -40°C to 60°C, Video Frame Grabber (SDI/HD/3G-SDI) Support
Through the combination of a NVIDIA Volta-GPU and ARM-CPU the AGX Xavier Rugged Computer is suitable for demanding intelligent vision applications. These include object recognition, traffic monitoring, environmental perception and behavior planning for cognitive robots or intelligent control of autonomous machines or vehicles. The computer is also suitable for machine learning.
MIL-STD-461 is a military standard that establishes the control of electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions and susceptibility characteristics of electronic, electrical & electromechanical equipment and subsystems for military equipment. EMI encompasses any undesired signals, “noise”, generated by electronic equipment. Keeping EMI under control is crucial for military applications, because if it’s out of control, the military will be detected by the enemy and it might cause a great loss. To design a product that meets strict requirements, engineers should possess extensive knowledge of both electrical and mechanical design to avoid unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy, which may cause unwanted effects, for example, physical damage in operational equipment.
Industrial park, Tzur-Igal 2 Bazelet St, Israel, 44862
Phone: +972(9)749-8585
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Email: sales@eps-tech.com